Async Events in the DOM

They don't exist. There was a recent twitter thread that linked to a GH Discussion, which killed this Definitely Typed PR. And I think that's the right call, but let's dig into why I think that. What was happening? Let's write a very basic, vanilla HTML form. Other than clicking…

Effect & React Query - With Prefetching!

In my last few posts we saw how to start working with Effect in a pure client side application with React. One of the first things we do in SPAs is interact with remote data, and the leader in this space of remote-data-synchronization is React Query (TanStack Query [TSQ from…

Effect for Reducers in React

Riffing off of my last post, I thought I'd refactor the async side of my helper to use a reducer, and try to leverage Effect's Tagged Enum to create and use discriminated unions, which lends itself very nicely to reducers. Turns out this is like, crazy easy and crazy good.…

Don't Fear the Rebase 🐮🔔

I'm ashamed to report that this title is not unique, but I felt it in my soul, so I needed to keep it. Please forgive me. 😅 If you use git, you likely have experienced the pain of merge conflicts. Due to the decentralised nature of git, merge conflicts are inevitable…

GraphQL & TypeScript Magic

If you haven't heard, there's a new player in town when working with a GraphQL Schema in TypeScript. 🪄 gql.tada (repo) 🌟"...with gql.tada and GraphQLSP you get on-the-fly, automatically typed GraphQL documents with full editor feedback, auto-completion, and type hints!" - gql.tada readme What magic is this? Let's…

F# SQLProvider in GitLab Kubernetes Runners

In this post, I'll be mostly focused on the moving from shared runners to dedicated private CI in our own k8s cluster for our SQLProvider F# project - but that doesn't mean you can't use this post to guide your own CI/CD infrastructure setup for your own project, so cheers 🍻!…